To become a participant of PACE of Northeast Indiana you must meet these eligibility requirements:
55+ Years of Age
Qualify for Nursing Home Level of Care
Be Able to Safely Live in the Community with the Help of PACE Services
While not required, PACE participants typically are:
of PACE participants are dually eligible for Medicare & Medicaid; typically pay no out-of-pocket charges
*These benefits you qualify for pay all or part of your PACE premium. If you do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, PACE of Northeast Indiana services are available to eligible individuals through Private Pay options. Please contact our Enrollment Specialist with questions.
Entitled to Medicare Part A
Entitled to Medicare Part B
Eligible For or Enrolled in Medicaid

PACE of Northeast Indiana is typically paid through a combination of Medicare and Medicaid and possibly through private pay sources dependent on your Medicare and Medicaid eligibility. Participants who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid should have no out-of-pocket charges. Enrollment specialist will complete Medicare and Medicaid paperwork if you are eligible and not currently enrolled. Participants may be fully liable for the cost of medical services from an out-of-network provider without prior authorization from the IDTeam (except in emergency services).

Enrolling in PACE of Northeast Indiana is an easy 4-Step Process:
New PACE participants begin services on the first of the month. PACE enrollment continues as long as desired by the participant, regardless of change in health status. PACE premiums depend on an individual’s Medicare and Medicaid eligibility.
Page Edits Made: 03/05/2021